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Hotel Challenges - Part 2

Writer's picture: BettyBetty

This is serious business, a hair dryer can make or break your day.  That is if you can find it. Rarely will it be actually in the bathroom on the wall, that is too easy.  Occasionally it is in a hairdryer cozy on a shelf below the sink. Sometimes it will be hanging from the back of the bathroom door.  All three make sense. Then you have your scavenger hunt places, is it in the closet? Pushed all the way to the back on the top shelf or hanging from a hook. Why do we have to hunt for it?  My guess… the sadistic nature of the housekeepers (more on this later).

When you check the hairdryer, don’t just turn it on and think it works, most times they sound louder than a jet engine and I WORK ON AN AIRPLANE I’m used to this sound! Trust me, they are mostly bark and no bite. All of the hearing loss I’ve experienced in my life is due to these super loud and sadly ineffective hairdryers.  The white wall mounted ones are the WORST! They have as much air coming out as a drunk evading a breathalyzer test or an octogenarian with emphysema blowing out their birthday candles. You get the idea. These craptacular little white ones also have that annoying high-decibel, over amplified mosquito buzz times a million sound.  Lucky us, we get to direct it right at our cochlear cavity (now that is fun to say, try it). Also, check the wind to hair ratio, how many strands is it actually moving at once? Will it dry your hair in less than a day? Plan accordingly. Believe me, if I didn’t have fully douse my hair every day in order to not look like a cross between the lead singer of Flock of Seagulls and someone from the Manson family, I wouldn’t.

Ode to a hairdryer: Where art thou when I needest you most?

How can it be,

Oh sweet hair dryer, that I cannot find thee?

There are but two rooms, a closet, window and door

I’ve looked in all plus the walls, the ceiling and floor.

I’ve looked

behind the t.v and under the bed,

The endless search is messing with my head.

I’ve looked

On the top shelf of the closet and behind the door

Under the sink and in the third drawer.

You are coy and elusive

Your unnecessary hiding is mentally quite abusive.

Okay I’m done.

Stay tuned for the next Hotel Challenges…. part 3 The Shower!

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